Demineralisers riverbed-mixed anion and cation

Demineralisers riverbed-mixed anion and cation

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Water demineralization equipment with exchanges resins.

The demineralization of water can be made with one device called mixed bed resins (anion and cation resin mixed in a single column) or with equipment consisting of two columns filtering a cationic and anionic another.

The mixed bed equipment may also be provided at regenerable versions "in-situ" or non-regenerable resin seconds are always possible to regenerate "in-situ". The regeneration is carried out with dilute solutions of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid.

The Ultrapermionic facilities, our manufacture are supplied complete, pre-assembled in a stainless steel frame, ready for use. These devices have the following application areas: demineralized water production for ceramics, graphic arts, glass, crystal, chemistry, food and drinks, distilleries, electronics, manufacturing of mirrors, anodizing and aluminum lacquering, preparing tunnels for painting, installations electrophoretic painting and cataphoresis, stripping, phosphating lines, enameled direct preparation, etc ...

Recirculating wash water in galvanic industries, surface treatment, aluminum industry, and other demineralized water production for the vast majority of industries, including the preparation of galvanic baths and surface treatment of metals recovery

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