
Filtration and Water Treatment

Filtration and Water Treatment

Water treatment equipment

Services in water treatment area, covering the industrial and domestic field

Water treatment equipment

Equipment at a competitive price

Without compromising the quality of equipment and / or service

Equipment at a competitive price


For the application of different types of available cartridges (filtration, activated carbon, polyphosphate, Siliphos, etc.).

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About Us

Founded in 1990 and headquartered in the city of Vila Nova Gaia Ultrapur - Equipments for water treatment, Ltd operates in the domestic and international market as a supplier of equipment and solutions for water treatment.

The Ultrapur began operations in designing and quality control systems for water treatment supply to industrial boilers. With the experience and ace face market demands quickly evolves into other areas of treatment.

In 1995 in partnership with various international suppliers in particular the Group Hidrowater, SL started distributing a wide range of equipment and / or components for water treatment covering the industrial, domestic and municipal.

In 2007 he added to its range of equipment a range of selected products for the sector pools. Never losing connection with the beginning of its activity Ultrapur strives to keep its employees in technical training and in constant contact with their suppliers in order to keep updated on new equipment and solutions that arise.

We have a technical department able to scale and design equipment and integrated solutions responding to the needs of each specific case. We also have a team of technicians and a set of partnerships so that we can answer all the needs of our clients since the delivery of the equipment until its installation, training in handling and after sales assistance.

Our goal is customer satisfaction with flexibility, accuracy and professionalism.

